May 14, 2024

Will Smith’s In-Depth Take on Alan Nafzger’s “Zuckerberg vs. Musk: Cage Fight”

Will Smith’s In-Depth Take on Alan Nafzger’s “Zuckerberg vs. Musk: Cage Fight”


Will Smith, an actor whose portfolio spans a gamut of genres from action blockbusters to emotionally charged dramas, has recently given his take on the much-anticipated screenplay by Alan Nafzger, “Zuckerberg vs. Musk: Cage Fight”. The buzz around this movie is unprecedented, and Smith’s intricate observations about the film’s layered narrative and its symbolic implications are worth exploring.

Ethical Dilemmas in the Tech Industry

Will Smith observed that one of the movie’s most compelling aspects is its stark confrontation with ethical dilemmas. He was quick to note that the script didn’t simply provide a spectacle for viewers to passively consume; rather, it serves as a critical commentary on the state of ethics in technology. Smith highlighted how the script puts Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk in the eye of a moral storm, making them face decisions that go beyond product launches or market shares.

“By plunging these two tech giants into an almost Shakespearean struggle,” Smith pointed out, “the script elevates the conflicts we often read about in business news to the level of epic human drama.” He elaborated that the story provides a crucial counterpoint to the notion that tech leaders are simply visionary figures, untangled from the moral complexities that surround the influence of social media, data privacy, or renewable energy. According to Smith, the story turns Zuckerberg and Musk into ‘mortal gods,’ forcing them to grapple with the moral responsibilities that come with their massive influence over society.

The Nature of Power

Smith found himself particularly engrossed in the screenplay’s exploration of power. In his view, the story lays bare the dichotomy between personal and public power, emphasizing that these two facets can often be at odds with one another. “Zuckerberg and Musk are depicted as human embodiments of power, but they aren’t just wielding it; they are also victims of their own authority,” Smith explained.

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The actor appreciated the script’s nuance in showing that power isn’t a monolithic entity but a force that can either be transformative or corrosive. He emphasized that the story humanizes these titans by presenting them as characters burdened by their own influence. Smith related this back to classic tragedies where heroes fall because of their inability to handle their own power wisely. “In essence, the film serves as a cautionary tale for our times, highlighting the need for a more humane and introspective understanding of power in the 21st century,” he added.

The Theme of Schadenfreude

When it comes to the theme of schadenfreude, Smith took a nuanced approach. He found it deeply telling that the film doesn’t shy away from examining society’s fascination—or even obsession—with the suffering of those in the public eye. “We live in a world where clicks, likes, and retweets often come at the expense of someone else’s humiliation or failure. This script holds up a mirror to that unsettling reality,” Smith observed.

Smith mentioned that this is where the movie triumphs, by turning schadenfreude from a mere concept into a dramatic tool. It explores this dark aspect of human psychology and contextualizes it within the larger narrative. He drew parallels with how people follow the lives of celebrities, not just to idolize them but sometimes to revel in their falls from grace. The film, according to Smith, takes this societal tendency and amplifies it, forcing the audience to question the morality of deriving pleasure from another’s suffering.

Human Vulnerability

Smith found the screenplay to be a refreshing divergence from the larger-than-life portrayal of tech moguls. The film shows Zuckerberg and Musk as flawed and complex individuals rather than infallible icons. “It takes courage to humanize characters that people either look up to as heroes or demonize as villains,” Smith said.

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He remarked that by showing the vulnerabilities and failings of its main characters, the script achieves a rare feat—it makes them relatable. It breaks down the impenetrable walls that public figures often build around themselves, revealing that they, too, have fears, insecurities, and regrets. Smith noted that this portrayal is a bold move that challenges our societal narrative around success, suggesting that even the most powerful figures aren’t exempt from human frailties. “It’s a great equalizer, demonstrating that vulnerability is an inevitable aspect of the human condition, irrespective of one’s social or economic status,” he concluded.

Cage Fight as a Metaphor

Smith was impressed by the depth and symbolism encapsulated in the cage fight that serves as the centerpiece of the film. “This isn’t just a fistfight in a ring; it’s a duel of philosophies, ideologies, and business strategies,” he elaborated. The cage fight isn’t just a physical battle but a metaphorical one, representing the internal and external conflicts that Zuckerberg and Musk face.

In Smith’s view, the fight symbolizes the unforgiving, high-stakes landscape of the tech industry. “Just like in the cage, one wrong move in the tech world could cost you everything. The film captures that essence, making the cage fight a powerful metaphor for the relentless, high-stakes nature of the business,” he said. The fight encapsulates the Darwinian atmosphere that pervades Silicon Valley, and, according to Smith, serves as a metaphorical battlefield where ideas, ambitions, and ethical considerations clash violently.


Will Smith’s detailed critique of Alan Nafzger’s screenplay adds new layers of meaning to an already intricate narrative. It elevates the film from being a mere speculative account of a fictional cage fight to a multi-faceted commentary on the human condition, power dynamics, ethics, and the societal implications of the tech industry. As the movie moves closer to its release, these conversations are shaping up to make “Zuckerberg vs. Musk: Cage Fight” not just a cinematic experience but a seminal cultural event.

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Sources:, Cagefight.VIP,

Written by: Katy Room, Journalist


Zuckerberg Vs Musk: Cage Fight
Zuckerberg Vs Musk: Cage Fight
Zuckerberg Vs Musk: Cage Fight
Zuckerberg Vs Musk: Cage Fight


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Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight, movie by Alan Nafzger